Garden-Scape Hand-Tie Bouquet


Escape for two hours of creative bliss and learn how to craft a stunning Garden-scape bouquet - the Wild Bee’s signature floristry style. In this hands-on workshop, Sarah will guide you through the process using the freshest, seasonal blooms from the flower plots that week.

Step-by-step, you’ll master simple yet effective floristry techniques, creating a wild and beautiful bouquet that captures the essence of the season. From conditioning your flowers to styling your finished arrangement for your home, Sarah will share all the tips and techniques you need, so you’ll leave feeling confident in making your own stunning bouquets at home.

Date & Time:

Escape for two hours of creative bliss and learn how to craft a stunning Garden-scape bouquet - the Wild Bee’s signature floristry style. In this hands-on workshop, Sarah will guide you through the process using the freshest, seasonal blooms from the flower plots that week.

Step-by-step, you’ll master simple yet effective floristry techniques, creating a wild and beautiful bouquet that captures the essence of the season. From conditioning your flowers to styling your finished arrangement for your home, Sarah will share all the tips and techniques you need, so you’ll leave feeling confident in making your own stunning bouquets at home.

Escape for two hours of creative bliss and learn how to craft a stunning Garden-scape bouquet - the Wild Bee’s signature floristry style. In this hands-on workshop, Sarah will guide you through the process using the freshest, seasonal blooms from the flower plots that week.

Step-by-step, you’ll master simple yet effective floristry techniques, creating a wild and beautiful bouquet that captures the essence of the season. From conditioning your flowers to styling your finished arrangement for your home, Sarah will share all the tips and techniques you need, so you’ll leave feeling confident in making your own stunning bouquets at home.



  • In our Acomb studio we can comfortably fit 6 - 8 people.

  • Absolutely. We are always happy to host a floristry workshop, tailored to your group at a venue that suits you. Please get in touch at for more details

  • If you cancel up to 24hrs before you can have a full refund or you can move your booking onto another workshop. If you cancel in the 24 hrs running up to the workshop we cannot offer a refund as we won’t be able to fill your place.